Korean Language/Korean Alphabet
8. Double Final Consonants and their pronunciation
2022. 8. 17. 10:00
Among the consonants of Hangeul, there are several 'double final consonants' that are only used for the bottom(base). Each of them is usually pronounced as one sound. More precise explanation: later at 'pronunciation' category.
You don't need to know all about double final consonants for now - just understand that there are some consonants like this.
- ㄳ[ㄱ]: 몫[mok] = share, portion
- ㄵ[ㄴ]: 앉다[an-dda] = sit
- ㄶ[ㄴ]: 많다[man-ta] = many (ㅎsound+ㄷsound = ㅌsound)
- ㄺ[ㄱ, 가끔 ㄹ]: 닭[dak] = chicken
- ㄻ[ㅁ]: 삶[sam, 삼] = life
- ㄼ[ㄹ, 가끔 ㅂ]: 여덟[yeo-deol] = number 8
- ㄽ[ㄹ]: 외곬[we-gol] = only one way (ㄽ is rarely used in Korean words)
- ㄾ[ㄹ]: 핥다[hal-dda] = lick
- ㄿ[ㅂ]: 읊다[eup-dda] = recite (Not frequently used in modern Korean)
- ㅀ[ㄹ]: 옳다[ol-ta] = right
- ㅄ[ㅂ]: 값[gap] = price, value