0. 9 Parts of Speech(9품사)
Part of Speech is the most important building block for a language.
In the Korean language, there are 9 parts of speech.
1. 명사(Noun)
2. 대명사(Pronoun)
3. 수사(Numeral)
4. 관형사(Determiner)
5. 부사(Adverb)
6. 조사(Particle)
7. 감탄사(Exclamation)
8. 형용사(Adjective)
9. 동사(Verb)
Here are 3 main differences between English and Korean:
1. There is no preposition.
Instead, there are postpositional particles, which usually come after nouns, pronouns, and numerals.
Let's take an example.
나는 학교에 갔다.
In English, this sentence can be translated like this: I went to school.
In this case, the preposition 'to' corresponds to the particle '에'.
Not all the prepositions correspond to each particle, and we will talk about it later in another article.
2. Adjectives conjugate like verbs.
Korean adjectives are also called adjective verbs. Their main role is to explain the subject, not to modificate nouns.
We will deal with this matter later, so just read the following with a light heart.
1) 꽃이 예쁘다. = (The) Flower is beautiful.
2) 예쁜 꽃이 피었다. = Beautiful flower bloomed.
In example 1), the adjective '예쁘다(beautiful)' explains the state of the subject '꽃(flower)'. To make it modificate a noun, it should change its form by getting rid of '-다' and then adding the ending '-ㄴ'.
3. There is no article.
Words that act as articles are determiners. However, they are not 100% correspond to articles.
For example, the sentence 'The house you live in is so large.' will be translated into '네가 사는 집은 참 넓구나'.
You can find out that there is no article before '집(house)'. Talk about it later.
With these differences in mind, now take a look at each part of speech in the following articles.