Korean Language/Korean Alphabet

1. The structure of Hanguel

-호랑이- 2022. 8. 10. 10:28

1. Hangeul is a character that expresses sound. 

There can be 4 structures.

① 1 vowel  ② consonant + vowel  ③ vowel + consonant  ④ consonant + vowel + consonant 




2. Consonants and vowels are grouped in a square box (모아쓰기).

gang, which means river
[gang], means 'river'



1) Vowels are written vertically on the right or horizontally on the bottom


 [a] = ㅏ (write vertically on the right)

 [o] = ㅗ (write horizontally at the bottom)



2) Consonants represent the first and last sounds. For example, song : s[s] = first sound, ng[ŋ] = last sound


  The first sound is written to the left of or above the vowel. The final sound is written at the bottom of the vowel.


 In the example below, ㄱ is a [g/k] sound, ㅋ is a [k] sound, and ㄴ is a [n] sound.


  [First sound]

  Lady Gaga = Lady 가가 (left of the vertical vowel)

  go = 고 (above the horizontal vowel)


  [Last sound]

  kayak = 카

  New York = 뉴




3. Examples of the structure of Hangeul

1) 1 vowel 


One vowel is written by adding ㅇ in front. At this time, ㅇ has no sound.




2) consonant + vowel




3) vowel + consonant 

[ak], means 'evil'
[ok], means 'jade'



4) Consonant + vowel + consonant

[gak], means 'angle'