Korean Language/Korean Alphabet

6. Combined vowels and doubled consonants

-호랑이- 2022. 8. 15. 10:00

an image with the combination of vowels and consonants


1. 11 sounds other than the 10 basic vowels are written by combining them.

  • ㅐ[ae]   : apple = 애플 , and = 앤드
  • ㅒ[yae] : yare = 얘어
  • ㅔ[e]    : end = 엔드
  • ㅖ[ye]  : yes = 예스
  • ㅘ[wa] : wow = 와우
  • ㅙ[wae]    : wagon = 왜건
  • ㅚ[ö, we]  : ö sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[we]'. 
  • ㅝ[wo] : want = 원트
  • ㅞ[we] : way =웨이
  • ㅟ[ü, wi]  : ü sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[wi]'. kiwi = 키위
  • ㅢ[eui]  : no corresponding sound in English. Short ㅡ followed by long l.


            '의', which means 'of', can be pronounced as [ㅔ]. 'ㅢ' following consonant is pronounced as [ㅣ].

             Example : '나의(my. 나 = I, 의 = of )' = [나의], [나에]   '희망(hope)' = [히망]



2. Doubled ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ  express tense sounds(된소리).

  • ㄲ : gas = 깨스 , (French) carbonara = 까르보나라 (pasta)
  • ㄸ : dollar = 딸러 , (Spanish) tres =뜨레스
  • ㅃ : bus = 뻐스 , (French) Paris = 빠리, 빠히
  • ㅆ : song = 쏭, (French) ce = 쎄
  • ㅉ : jazz = 째즈 , (Spanish) mochila = 모찔라


      The first sounds g, d, b, s, and j in English are sometimes recognized as tense sounds.