Korean Language/Korean Alphabet 10

9. the Final: Assembling vowels and consonants

Let's finish with the words that show 4 combinations of vowels and consonants. [1 vowel] 위[we]: upside 예[ye]: yes (in a public place, to a person older than you or to your boss) 와[wa]: wow [consonant + vowel] 개[gae]: dog 소[so]: cow 나[na]: I, me 너[neo, nʌ]: you 꼬리[ggo-ri]: tail 뒤[dui]: back [vowel + consonant] 약[yak]: drug, pill, medicine 옆[엽, yup]: side 앞[압, ap]: front 입[ip]: mouth [consonant + ..

8. Double Final Consonants and their pronunciation

Among the consonants of Hangeul, there are several 'double final consonants' that are only used for the bottom(base). Each of them is usually pronounced as one sound. More precise explanation: later at 'pronunciation' category. You don't need to know all about double final consonants for now - just understand that there are some consonants like this. ㄳ[ㄱ]: 몫[mok] = share, portion ㄵ[ㄴ]: 앉다[an-dda..

7. the Writing Order: Combined Vowels and doubled Consonants

* Principle: ① From top to bottom ② From left to right ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, and ㅉ, which represent tense sounds, are called 'doubled consonants(쌍자음)'. For example, ㄱ is referred to as '기역[gi-yuk]', and then its doubled consonant ㄲ as '쌍기역[ssang-gi-yuk]'. Just write a consonant ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, or ㅈ once more next to the basic one, then that's 쌍자음. Let's practice with some easy words. 새[sae]: bird 얘기[yae-gi]: ..

6. Combined vowels and doubled consonants

1. 11 sounds other than the 10 basic vowels are written by combining them. ㅐ[ae] : apple = 애플 , and = 앤드 ㅒ[yae] : yare = 얘어 ㅔ[e] : end = 엔드 ㅖ[ye] : yes = 예스 ㅘ[wa] : wow = 와우 ㅙ[wae] : wagon = 왜건 ㅚ[ö, we] : ö sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[we]'. ㅝ[wo] : want = 원트 ㅞ[we] : way =웨이 ㅟ[ü, wi] : ü sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[wi]'. kiwi = 키위 ㅢ[eui] : no corresponding sound ..

4. the Writing Order: Basic Vowels (with some words)

This is the writing order of the basic vowels in Korean. Recommend you to write along. * Principles: ① from top to bottom ② from left to right The following are examples of Korean words that are mostly composed of vowels. 아이[a-i]: kid 아야[a-ya]: ouch 영어[young-ʌ]: English 오이[o-i]: cucumber 요요[yo-yo]: yoyo 이유[i-you]: reason 응[eung]: yes (to someone near your age, in a close relationship) 우유[u-you]:..

2. Basic Vowels

There are 10 basic vowels in Hanguel. ([ ] = pronunciation) ㅏ [a] : Ah = [아] ㅑ [ya] : yard = [야드] (d = ㄷ) ㅓ [eo, ʌ] : law = [러] (l = ㄹ) ㅕ [yeo, ˈjʌ] : yummy = [여미] (m = ㅁ) ㅗ [o] : oh = [오] ㅛ [yo] : yo = [요] ㅜ [u] : woo = [우] ㅠ [yu] : you = [유] ㅡ [eu]* : miss = [미스] (s = ㅅ) ㅣ [i] : bee = [비] (b = ㅂ) [각주] * s is one consonant in English. In Korean, it is recognized to be composed of 'consonant ㅅ[s..