Nouns, pronouns, and numerals compose a single group called Substantive(체언). You don't need to memorize this term. I just wanted to tell you that they play the same roles in sentences, which are mainly subject, object, and complement. Let's start with nouns.
Nouns represent names.
Look at the photo on the left.
In the center, there is 꽃[꼳](flower).
We can also call it by its own name, 낮달맞이꽃[낟딸마지꼳](Evening Primrose).
In sentences, it can be used like the followings:
1. 꽃이 피었다(Flowers bloomed).
2. 나는 꽃을 보았다(I saw some flowers).
In sentence 1, it takes the position of a subject; in sentence 2, an object.
Meanwhile, There are dependent nouns. They are what you have to pay close attention to.
Dependent nouns cannot be used alone; they always need something to modificate them.
The most common word would be 것[걷](thing). Look at the examples below.
- 내일 먹을 것을 사자(Let's buy something we are going to eat tomorrow).
- 이제 따뜻할 것이다(Now it'll get warm).
- 어떤 것이 예쁘니(Which one is prettier)?
If you omit the words before 것, then you cannot figure out what the sentences might mean.
If you want to learn more about dependent nouns, go to the Words and Expressions Category.
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