Korean Language/┣ 9 Parts of Speech

1-2. Pronoun(대명사)

-호랑이- 2022. 8. 22. 10:00


Pronouns indicate nouns and are used instead of them. 

There are two kinds of pronouns in Korean: personal pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.


A man, 수민, is looking at a flower. In Korean, we can say this:

수민이 을 본다(Sumin looks at a flower).

And then, the following sentence could be  그것을 좋아한다(He likes it).

그 is a personal pronoun that refers to 수민(이), while 그것 is a demonstrative pronoun that indicates 꽃.



1) Personal Pronoun(인칭대명사)

  • the first person(1인칭): 나(I), 저(I, a humble form), 우리(we), 저희(we, a humble form)
  • the second person(2인칭): 너(you), 당신(you, to your spouse or to a stranger), 그대(you, not frequently used these days), 너희(you, a plural form)
  • the third person(3인칭): 그(he), 그녀(she), 그들(they)
  • indefinite pronoun(부정칭): 아무(anyone, sometimes can be used as an undetermined pronoun)
  • undetermined pronoun(미지칭): 누구(who, sometimes can be used as an indefinite pronoun)


For a more detailed explanation, go to the Words and Expressions category




2) Demonstrative Pronoun(지시대명사)

when close to a speaker

when close to a listener

far from both the speaker and
Objects(사물) 이것 this 그것 that 저것 that
Locations(장소) 이곳, 여기 here 그곳, 거기 there 저곳, 저기 there


More detailed explanation: go to the words and expressions category(will be posted soon).