Korean History/Prehistoric Age

0. What is the Prehistoric Age?

-호랑이- 2022. 8. 8. 20:27

Remains of a pit house in Seokjang-ri, Gong-ju


The prehistoric period(선사시대) is the first stage in the history of Korea. Let us explain the meaning of prehistoric times.


  • 선(seon, 先): first, first. 
  • 사(sa, 史): history. 
  • 시(si, 時):  time. 
  • 대(dae, 代): generation, era. 


선사시대(Seon-sa-si-dae) = prehistory



Thus, prehistory refers to the period before history was written down.

This period can be divided into the 'Stone Age' and the 'Bronze Age' according to the tools used.



1. Stone Age: 700,000 years ago - about 1500 BC*

 1) Paleolithic

 2) Neolithic Age


2. Bronze Age: about 1500 BC to about 300 BC





*BC(Before Christ): before AD. It dates back to the year Jesus was born.


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