Korean Language 35

4. the Writing Order: Basic Vowels (with some words)

This is the writing order of the basic vowels in Korean. Recommend you to write along. * Principles: ① from top to bottom ② from left to right The following are examples of Korean words that are mostly composed of vowels. 아이[a-i]: kid 아야[a-ya]: ouch 영어[young-ʌ]: English 오이[o-i]: cucumber 요요[yo-yo]: yoyo 이유[i-you]: reason 응[eung]: yes (to someone near your age, in a close relationship) 우유[u-you]:..

2. Basic Vowels

There are 10 basic vowels in Hanguel. ([ ] = pronunciation) ㅏ [a] : Ah = [아] ㅑ [ya] : yard = [야드] (d = ㄷ) ㅓ [eo, ʌ] : law = [러] (l = ㄹ) ㅕ [yeo, ˈjʌ] : yummy = [여미] (m = ㅁ) ㅗ [o] : oh = [오] ㅛ [yo] : yo = [요] ㅜ [u] : woo = [우] ㅠ [yu] : you = [유] ㅡ [eu]* : miss = [미스] (s = ㅅ) ㅣ [i] : bee = [비] (b = ㅂ) [각주] * s is one consonant in English. In Korean, it is recognized to be composed of 'consonant ㅅ[s..