Let's finish with the words that show 4 combinations of vowels and consonants.
[1 vowel]
- 위[we]: upside
- 예[ye]: yes (in a public place, to a person older than you or to your boss)
- 와[wa]: wow
[consonant + vowel]
- 개[gae]: dog
- 소[so]: cow
- 나[na]: I, me
- 너[neo, nʌ]: you
- 꼬리[ggo-ri]: tail
- 뒤[dui]: back
[vowel + consonant]
- 약[yak]: drug, pill, medicine
- 옆[엽, yup]: side
- 앞[압, ap]: front
- 입[ip]: mouth
[consonant + vowel + consonant]
- 집[jip]: home, house
- 문[mun, moon]: door
- 꽃[꼳, ggot]: flower
- 밖[박, bak]: outside
- 흙[흑, heuk]: soil
- 끝 -

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