Korean Language/Words and Expressions

Personal Pronouns 1. the first-person pronouns

-호랑이- 2022. 8. 28. 10:00

We've figured out the two critical concepts in personal pronouns in the previous article: the usage of pronouns to compose a sentence and the existence of some particular pronouns used in honorifics.


Now, let's see how the first-person pronouns work.


[Table 1. Types of first-person pronouns]

Forms singular plural
ordinary 우리(들)
honorific 저희(들)


In plural forms, you can add -들 after 우리 or 저희. There is no difference between 우리(저희) and 우리들(저희). '-들' is a suffix that makes a word plural form, so adding '-들' stresses the meaning of plural.


Honorific forms are used when you are talking to someone in a higher social position or at a formal event.


[To a friend]

는 노트북을 새로 샀어.   I bought a new laptop.

우리는 노트북을 새로 샀어.  We bought a new laptop.


[To a grandmother]

는 노트북을 새로 샀어요.  I bought a new laptop.

저희는 노트북을 새로 샀어요.  We bought a new laptop.



'는' is not actually a subjective particle. It is a subsidiary particle, and one of its role is to present a topic. 


I'll sum them up in the following two tables.


[Table 2. How first-person pronouns work as a constituent in a sentence: singular]

Case Subjective Possessive Objective Possessive
English I my me mine myself
Korean - ordinary 내가, 나는 나의 나를 나의 것 나 자신
Korean - honorific 제가, 저는 저의 저를 저의 것 저 자신


[Table 3. How first-person pronouns work as a constituent in a sentence: plural]

Case Subjective Possessive Objective Possessive
English we our us ours ourselves
Korean - ordinary 우리가, 우리는 우리의 우리를 우리의 것 우리 자신
Korean - honorific 저희가, 저희는 저희의 저희를 저희의 것 저희 자신