1. 11 sounds other than the 10 basic vowels are written by combining them. ㅐ[ae] : apple = 애플 , and = 앤드 ㅒ[yae] : yare = 얘어 ㅔ[e] : end = 엔드 ㅖ[ye] : yes = 예스 ㅘ[wa] : wow = 와우 ㅙ[wae] : wagon = 왜건 ㅚ[ö, we] : ö sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[we]'. ㅝ[wo] : want = 원트 ㅞ[we] : way =웨이 ㅟ[ü, wi] : ü sound in German, but usually pronounced as '[wi]'. kiwi = 키위 ㅢ[eui] : no corresponding sound ..